LGBT* and media
Rodzaj projektu:
GAY SHORT FILMS IN POLISH AND GERMAN: Let’s do a film camp together
There is a lack of visibily for gay teenagers and their lives in media – especially when it comes to Polish and German-Polish teens. Therefor we would like to create a film camp together with a partner from Poland and give gay teens the chance to create a short film together. We can offer an infrastructure (like cameras etc.) and knowledge about film production and film camps with teenagers and young adults.
We are looking for a partner from Poland that is interested to join this idea and that wants to come to Germany with 5 to 10 homosexual or bisexual young men between 18 and 26. During a programm of 4 to 5 days we would like to create a bilingual short film together.
We are open to any kind of partner like a NGO, a queer / LGBT* organization, a LGBT* network of students, an initiative or any other partner that is interested in working together. There is no need for the partner to have expertise in youth work nor in film production / media training.
We would like to do the film camp in Germany, but we are super interested to realize further projects also in Poland (if interesting to you as a partner).
We are a lgbtiq* media project from Dortmund (Germany) and have 12 years experience in creating short films with lgbt* teenagers and young adults. Over the past years we have organized 6 film camps of a duration of one week each. All the results can be seen on our youtube channel. More than 250.000 people subscribed to it and it reaches more than 1 millions views per month.
Mój status prawny:
organizacja pozarządowa
Wiek uczestników:
Mój region:
Data publikacji:
Znajomość języków obcych:
queerblick e.V.
44135 c/o Sunrise, Geschwister-Scholl-Str. 33
Osoba kontaktowa: Falk Steinborn
Tel.: 01579 23 25 426
Strona www: