W obliczu antysemityzmu w Europie

W obliczu antysemityzmu w Europie

Edukacja w Europie – Spotkanie z Izraelem – Wnioski dla pracy z młodzieżą

Projekt szkoleniowy dla ekspertek i ekspertów w dziedzinie edukacji i pracy z młodzieżą jest wspólnym przedsięwzięciem siedmiu instytucji zajmujących się europejską i międzynarodową pracą z młodzieżą, wśród nich Polsko-Niemieckiej Współpracy Młodzieży.

Antysemityzm ma w Europie długą historię i nadal istnieje niezależnie od obecności Żydów w danym społeczeństwie. Ataki, antysemickie teorie spiskowe i relatywizacja Holokaustu to wciąż powszechne zjawiska, które mogą stanowić wyzwanie dla edukatorek i edukatorów.

Dlatego też organizatorzy zapraszają osoby pracujące z młodzieżą z Polski, Niemiec, Czech, Grecji i Izraela do udziału w projekcie, który ma na celu edukację na rzecz zwalczania różnych form antysemityzmu. Projekt składa się z trzech modułów (spotkań) odbywających się w listopadzie i grudniu 2024 roku oraz wiosną 2025 roku odpowiednio w Polsce, Izraelu i Niemczech.

Poniżej znajdą Państwo szczegółowe informacje i założenia projektu w języku angielskim, który jest także językiem projektu.

A Joint Project of the International Youth Offices and Coordination Centers for European and International Youth Work

Antisemitism has a long history in Europe. Hostile attitudes or actions toward Jews are often seen as a primal (prototype) form of exclusion of the supposed ” other”. Among other contemporary forms of group-based hostility amid European (democratic) societies, antisemitism represents a specific form of discrimination that can still exist regardless of the presence of Jewish people. Attacks against Jews, antisemitic conspiracy narratives and Holocaust relativization are widespread.

This also challenges educators who strive for respectful societies and work against discrimination. Jews are often held collectively responsible for escalations in the Middle East or for global political and economic problems. Power and control are attributed to them. People and institutions dedicated to combating antisemitism, preserving the memory and awareness about the era of National Socialism and promoting a pluralistic society often find themselves unfairly discredited or forced to constantly justify themselves. Likewise, negative images of Israel and simplified, one-sided perceptions of the Middle East conflict are widespread in Europe.

The model project “Facing Antisemitism in Europe! Education in Europe – Encounter with Israel – Implications for Youth Work” aims to counter various forms of antisemitism in 5 European countries in a differentiated and distinct manner. The project combines modules on learning and reflecting on antisemitism in Europe with the effects of the encounter work with the diverse Israeli society.

Three modules

The project consists of three modules. At least Modul I & II are mandatory.

  • MODUL I: 11.–16.11.2024 in Kraków/Poland
    Seminar on Antisemitism in Europe
  • MODUL II: 9.–15.12.2024 in Israel
    Encounter Program in the Diverse Israeli Society
  • MODUL III: Spring 2025 in Germany (Place to be decided)
    Seminar on Transfer of Knowledge and Implications for Youth Work

The project is addressed to

Professionals in Education, Youth Work and Encounter Work from Germany, Poland, Czech Republic, France, Greece and Israel

  • who have interest in raising their awareness regarding Antisemitism in Europe
  • who are curious to meet professionals from other Countries in Europe and from Israel
  • who have interest to multiply what they have experienced to others afterwards
  • (for the professionals from Europe) who have no or little prior private or professional experience with Israel

The main topics of the project are

  • Images in the Mind – Prejudices – Anti-Jewish Myths: Manifestations of Antisemitism in History and Present in the European Countries Participating in the Project
  • Young and Jewish in Europe: Jewish Life in Past and Present in the European Countries Participating in the Project
  • Antisemitism and National Socialism: Dealing with History after the Shoah – Defending Memory – Projections in the Present
  • Israel in the middle of the Middle East: Different Narratives – Multi-Perspective Insights – Complex History(s)
  • Israel-related Antisemitism: Current Discourses, Characteristics and Distinction
  • Antisemitism – What to Do? Guidance for responding to statements and attacks, fostering antisemitism-awareness and discrimination-critical education and encounters, development of educational ideas and concepts and exploring opportunities between theory and practical applications.


The program will take place in English.

Participation fee

The participation fee for all three modules – the seminar in Poland, the encounter trip to Israel, and the seminar on the transfer of knowledge in Germany – is PLN 900.

The flight costs including accommodation, meals and program are covered; travel costs to the seminar modules in Europe will be reimbursed.


You can no longer apply for the program.

Please note: The implementation of the encounter program in Israel on the planned dates depends on the security situation on site and the travel recommendations of the Federal Foreign Offices and of the Israeli partners. In case of short-term developments, the encounter trip will be postponed to a later date.