Giełda partnerów - Ogłoszenie

„Hotel Exile” – Stories of Travelling and Emigration

Rodzaj projektu:

spotkanie młodzieży


„Hotel Exile” – Stories of Travelling and Emigration – trinational multimedia art project is currently searching for interested youngsters,students of a NGO or school/ university from Poland to join us for exciting 10 days encounter trip to Ukraine! German and Ukrainian youth groups already complete! Project organiser would hold an info- and preparation meeting weekend at your center or city beforehand (according to your prefered dates) for further infos write . Thank you for your interest!
All expenses such as travel, lodging, nutrition would be payed!
Date of Project realisation : 16th to 26th of oct 2021°
Info and preparation meetings in your city beforehand by the project organisers!

Combination of master classes of art form and performance on the subject of art while traveling, fleeing, exile,
please join our FB Site:
more infos after your sending interest would follow!
from suitcases, designed and supplemented with own artistic contributions.
(History research, creating your own texts, theater improvisation and demonstrations, visual art creations of various forms)

The aim is to get young people from 3 countries (Germany, Poland, Ukraine) with different cultural backgrounds through the artistic debate
to get in touch with each other with the subject of exile, flight, isolation, „cultural clash” in the new country;
and to work together to reduce prejudices against foreigners, other cultures and other ways of life.
They should learn about the effects of emigration and exile on life and work through selected artists from the past
and get involved and inspired with it in their own artistic work.
The jointly designed project is to promote tolerance and openness towards the other, the stranger.
In this way, young people can later become catalysts for further projects in their environment.

Mój status prawny:

organizacja pozarządowa

Wiek uczestników:


Mój region:


Data publikacji:


Znajomość języków obcych:



Kulturhaus Frankfurt /Die Katakombe
60316 Pfingstweidstrasde 2

Osoba kontaktowa: Markus Nieden
Tel.: +4917642053052
Strona www: